Recent Phone Number Complaints
Showing page 37 of mobile number complaints submitted by users. If you have ever received unwanted, harassing, threatening, or blackmail calls from any phone number, you know how frustrating and scary it can be. That's why we allows you to submit complaints about any such phone number, with an option to mask your name. Below is a list of complaints made by our users about different phone numbers. We work to protect our users from unwanted or malicious calls. If you have received such calls from any phone number, please submit a complaint and help us make the world safer for everyone.
He is torturing his mother, beating her, cursing her, etc...
LIC office call, for money to claim...
Use abusive language. He call me and ask about property sale, when I show no interest he started abusing ...
This person call me unnecessary video call...
কাজ দেবে বলে টাকা নিয়েছে এদের কে থানায় তুলে দিতে হবে ...
Fauld calls are coming from this number ...
Its blackmail me after giving my personal detail to her...
Messageing s*xual harassment ...
Messageing s*xcually harassment ...
He has been constantly calling and harassing over call.. ...
Uses rubbish words to a women. Calls to a random number and talks rubbish to fellow citizens ...
She took 5000 from me while creating bank account she is fraud ...
We were called around 10:40 in the morning of 7th February 2025.A female employee spoke about how were a regular custome...
Froud message. Giving investment in kucoin and did not return money ...
He calls you with a fake video of a girl and takes your face and try to blackmail you with your face that he will send t...
Some one call from my numbers to this and also received calls.....
Vulgar language and threat to life and death...horrible person...
This person called us and started using vulgar language to us and have us life threat.i strongly report this number to p...
This boy is talking s*xually to our sister on WhatsApp and making video calls. Please punish him as soon as possible....
Blackmailing h abi tak hai har chij m fraud karta h...