232322 SMS Sender Id

You may have recieved an SMS from xx-232322. The details about xx-232322 SMS Sender Id is given below:

Sender Id232322
CompanyPrimarc Projects Pvt Ltd
OrganizationPrimarc Projects Pvt Ltd 2ND FLOOR, 6A, ELGIN ROAD

The "232322" SMS Sender Id has been approved for sending Transactional/Service SMS to users. This SMS header has been allocated to Primarc Projects Pvt Ltd.

Recently sent SMS headers

Sender IdOperatorState
TO-232322Tata TeleservicesOrissa
RA-232322Reliance CommunicationsAndhra Pradesh
QB-232322Quadrant TeleventuresBihar
TV-232322Tata TeleservicesWest Bengal
QG-232322Quadrant TeleventuresGujarat

Similar SMS Sender Ids: BT-232324, VQ-232325, GD-232332, RR-232333, PA-232345