525052 SMS Sender Id

You may have recieved an SMS from xx-525052. The details about xx-525052 SMS Sender Id is given below:

Sender Id525052
OrganizationPym Retails Ward no 9,10-11, Baba Shyam Singh Singh colony, Near chawla hospital

The "525052" SMS Sender Id has been approved for sending Transactional/Service SMS to users. This SMS header has been allocated to Pym Retails Ward no 9,10-11, Baba Shyam Singh Singh colony, Near chawla hospital.

Recently sent SMS headers

Sender IdOperatorState
DX-525052Dishnet WirelessKarnataka
EE-525052Reliance TelecomUP-East
BY-525052BSNLMadhya Pradesh

Similar SMS Sender Ids: TE-525059, EB-525072, YJ-525090, ZC-525098, JD-525100