You may have recieved an SMS from xx-GYMMSG. The details about xx-GYMMSG SMS Sender Id is given below:
Sender Id | GymMsg |
Purpose | Transactional/Service |
Organization | Android Blaze Software's C/202, New Radha Gokul CHSL, Tulinj Road, Nallasopara (E). |
The "GymMsg" SMS Sender Id has been approved for sending Transactional/Service SMS to users. This SMS header has been allocated to Android Blaze Software's C/202, New Radha Gokul CHSL, Tulinj Road, Nallasopara (E)..
Recently sent SMS headers
Sender Id | Operator | State |
DZ-GYMMSG | Dishnet Wireless | Maharashtra |
QN-GYMMSG | Quadrant Televentures | North East |
MJ-GYMMSG | MTNL | Jammu & Kashmir |
DP-GYMMSG | Dishnet Wireless | Punjab |
DL-GYMMSG | Dishnet Wireless | Kerala |
Similar SMS Sender Ids: JD-GYMMUL, PD-Gymmy, LJ-GYMNAC, RV-Gymnas, VD-Gymnes