You may have recieved an SMS from xx-IZONE. The details about xx-IZONE SMS Sender Id is given below:

Sender IdiZone
OrganizationiZone Technologies No : 10/20, Second Floor, Annai Residency, Amma Mandapam Road, Mambalasalai, Srirangam, Trichy - 620006

The "iZone" SMS Sender Id has been approved for sending Transactional/Service SMS to users. This SMS header has been allocated to iZone Technologies No : 10/20, Second Floor, Annai Residency, Amma Mandapam Road, Mambalasalai, Srirangam, Trichy - 620006.

Recently sent SMS headers

Sender IdOperatorState
AJ-IZONEAirtelJammu & Kashmir
JE-IZONEReliance JioUP-East
CT-IZONEV-CON MobileTamilNadu
TG-IZONETata TeleservicesGujarat
TM-IZONETata TeleservicesMumbai

Similar SMS Sender Ids: TT-IZONEG, GT-izonei, MQ-iZones, AC-IZONMB, LJ-iZoSMS